[일반] 탄소 배출 저감을 위한 원자력의 중요성(빌게이츠)

2022-10-24l 조회수 221


Bill Gates on Nuclear Energy and Reaching Net Zero


Nuclear power, climate change and sustainable development.

Investor and philanthropist Bill Gates speaks with the IAEA in an exclusive interview ahead of the IAEA International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, to be held on 26-28 October 2022 in Washington, D.C. Mr Gates is co-founder of Microsoft, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Founder of Breakthrough Energy, and founder and chairman of TerraPower.

The views and opinions expressed in this video interview are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views and positions of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Interviewed by Jeffrey Donovan, IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.


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