Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Energy and Security

관리자l 2022-04-25l 조회수 236
연사 : Prof. Igor Jovanovic (Professor, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan Fellow, American Nuclear Society Fellow, Optical Society of America)
일시 : 2022-05-06 13:30 ~ 15:00
장소 : 32동 109호

일시: 5월 6일 금요일 오후 1:30-3:00

장소: 32동 109호

문의: (최성열)


배경: In the past two decades, remarkable developments in laser technology occurred, resulting in peak power exceeding 1 Petawatt and focal spot intensities exceeding 10²² W/cm², establishing a new and promising field of relativistic optics and high-field science. Importantly, laser systems producing relativistic intensities have become available in university settings. Applications of such systems in nuclear engineering are numerous and include the production of intense pulses of X-rays, gamma-rays, neutrons, as well as extremely high-current electron and ion beams. Such systems have been used for isotope production, inertial confinement fusion via fast ignition, studies of ultrafast dynamics in solids, and even for demonstration of photon-photon scattering.