세미나 안내 (Seaborg SNU Visiting Program)
일시 및 장소
32동 109호 : 10/28(목), 14:00~15:00
32동 110호 : 10/28(목), 15:00~17:00
아래는 세미나 세부일정입니다.
Seaborg SNU Visiting Program Oct. 28th
14:00-15:00, Mr. Norborg, Introduction to Seaborg Technolgies ApS
15:00-15:10, break
15:10-15:20, Prof. E.S. Kim, Introduction to Nucl. Eng. Dept.
15:20-15:30, Prof. H.J. Shim, Monte Carlo Lab.
15:30-15:40, Prof. Y. Lee, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Safety Lab.
15:40-15:50, Prof. T. Oda, Nuclear Materials Modeling Lab.
15:50-16:00, Prof. S.Y. Choi, Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nonproliferation Lab.
16:00-16:10, Prof. E.S. Kim, Nuclear Energy System Lab.
16:10-16:20, Prof. H.K. Cho, Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulic Engineering Lab.
16:20-16:30, break
16:30-17:00, Discussion