초청세미나 『Understanding the underlying mechanisms of the ohmic breakdown: a turb

관리자l 2019-04-23l 조회수 186
연사 : Min-Gu Yoo
일시 : 2019-04-29 15:30 ~ 18:30
장소 : Flat 33 Room 330



아래와같이 『Understanding the underlying mechanisms of the ohmic breakdown: a turbulent ExB mixing avalanche』 초청 세미나 안내드리오니,

관심있으신 연구자분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.


Date: 29th Apr. (Mon.) at 3:30 pm


Place: Flat 33 Room 330


Subject: Understanding the underlying mechanisms of the ohmic breakdown: a turbulent ExB mixing avalanche


Speaker: Min-Gu Yoo